We want you to have the best experience possible

Here's a few things to consider ... 
 1. Bring pictures -  Your idea of what caramel highlights look like, may not be the same as mine. Pictures help us to understand exactly what you want and what you don't want. If you can't find a photo, try drawing it. Our goal is to give you what you want. 
 2. Arrive a little early - This gives you time to browse photos, relax and not feel rushed. If you didn't bring a picture, it will give you time to look. 
 3. Don't listen to negative opinions about your hair - So often, people leave the salon incredibly happy, only to call back the next day saying that "my friend thinks it should be more like this" or "less red" etc. Go with your gut, and if you love it, tell your friend that you think it's great. You deserve to wear your hair any way you want. 
 4. Try to come alone - This appointment is about you, and not anyone else. This applies to children as well. Unless your child is having a cut, please don't bring them. An hour or two is just too long and boring for them and our other clients need to be considered. The hair salon can be a busy, dangerous place and it is our policy to not allow anyone on the cutting floor who is not being serviced. 
 5. Don't color on the day of an event - Sometimes your skin will slightly stain around your hairline but will always come off the first time you shampoo. Also you need to allow enough time for your colourist to do whatever it takes to make your hair look great, and sometimes we need to soften a tone or brighten a red, and this can take extra time. 
 6. Never keep quiet if you don't like what we do - Tell us and we will almost always want to make it right for you. We truly want you to be happy with your hair and your experience. Please give us the opportunity to regain your trust. Please consider this: If we do what you have asked us to do and you decide you don't like it later, unfortunately it will probably cost you to have it changed. 
 7. Wait until you have one inch of regrowth before re-highlighting - This allows us to minimize the risk of overlapping colour, the only real cause of breakage. Try a zig-zag parting and don't wear a ponytail when getting rooty. It makes it look worse when pulled back. 
 8. If you trust your stylist, buy the products they recommend - We want you to maintain your look at home, and you may not be able to achieve what we can without similar products. If you've spent time and money on a colour, make it last longer with what we suggest for you, and if you know where to find the same product less expensive, then by all means do it. 
 9. Make your appointments early - If you are always having a hard time getting in, it is probably time to prebook your appointments. Consider booking your next appointment when paying for your service, this way you will always have your ideal time. We send out a text and/or email the day before to remind you. 

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